Billerud Korsnäs will invest SEK2.6bn (€257m) in a new recovery boiler at its Frövi mill in Sweden. The new recovery boiler is scheduled to become operational at the end of 2023.
“The Frövi mill is a strategic asset for Billerud Korsnäs and the investment is a good platform for future development. A new recovery boiler will improve environmental performance, increase energy production and create possibilities for increased efficiency and integration of the mill,” comments Christoph Michalski, President and CEO of Billerud Korsnäs.
The investment is planned to be financed by cash flow from operating activities. In 2021, the negative cash flow effect of the investment is estimated to amount to SEK700m (€69m).
Billerud Korsnäs’ production complex in Frövi/Rockhammar has a capacity to produce 470.000 tpy of cartonboard and liquid packaging board, mainly for food applications. In Rockhammar, Billerud Korsnäs produces unbleached and bleached CTMP, which is being converted in Frövi.