Price talks continue on the white-top kraftliner market in Germany

Price hikes for white-top kraftliner

Price hikes for white-top kraftliner in Germany are still not done and dusted. EUWID sources on the buying side of the market report ongoing negotiations in November.

It remains unclear whether higher prices have been or are actually being implemented for white-top kraftliner on the market in Germany. White-top kraftliner manufacturers generally claim to have increased their sales prices amidst stronger business. However, several corrugated board producers reported in November that they were still sitting at the negotiating table, while some others said that so far producers had not implemented a single cent of the announced price hikes and no new price hike initiative have been announced for a later date either.

Manufacturers have now lost steam in this segment of the German packaging paper market, even though demand had increased this year and supply of white kraftliner, especially of coated grades, is still relatively scarce, market experts believe.

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